The Callegari CR3000 is a unique point of care device that gives health professionals laboratory-based technology & accuracy (wet chemistry); in a small, fast, easy to use & cost-effective analyser!
Using the different cuvettes the CR3000 can test a complete list of POC Screening variables; it can also perform three tests simultaneously, dramatically reducing testing time for the user.
Wet Chemistry application assures accuracy and precision comparable with laboratory methods. The reading cells are thermostated to 37C which assures perfect testing conditions for temperature-sensitive tests. Capillary blood samples are collected in capillary tubes, placed into cuvettes containing reagents and airtight caps. This procedure assures cleaner and safer testing compared to conventional. At no time dos the instrument come in contact with blood samples.
The Callegari CR3000 is one of the most widely used Point of Care Analysers in Europe; it is well recognised for its extremely accurate results, reliability, fast results & high-quality design (Made in Italy).
- All In One Point of Care Analyser
- Over 12 Different POC Tests
- Laboratory Accuracy In a Small & Easy to Use Device
- Wet Chemistry Analysis Method
- Reading Cells Thermostated For Perfect Testing Conditions
- Can Perform 3 Different Tests At Once Reducing Testing Time
- Touch Screen Operation
- Automatic Test Procedure
- Small Blood Capillary Samples
- Contamination Free Method - At No Time Does Instrument Come In Contact With Blood Sample
- Inbuilt Printer For Instant Results
- Rapid Barcode Reading System
- Lifestat Software
- CE Marked under 98/79/EC Directive
- TGA Approved
CR3000 Can Calculate The Following:
- Total Cholesterol
- HDL Cholesterol
- LDL Cholesterol
- Glucose
- Triglycerides
- Haemoglobin
- Haemotocrit
- Erythrocytes
- HbA1c (Glycated Haemoglobin)
- Lactic Acid
- Free Oxygen Radicals Test (FORT)
- Free Oxygen Radicals Defence (FORD)
- Uric Acid
- Cardiac Risk Assessment
Oxidative Stress Testing: Why?
An excess production of free radicals causes oxidative stress. In the perfect situation, the body’s normal cellular repair functions are able to repair the damage caused by oxidative stress. However, if an individual has an elevated level of free radicals and not enough antioxidants to balance them cellular damage results. Hence oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals production and existing antioxidant defences. If this is undetected it can seriously affect health and performance from mild complaints to more serious illnesses. Consequently OS is a vital warning signal and of fundamental importance for preventative medicine and healthcare as well as the control of relevant therapies during pathologies in a wide range of fields. CR3000 provides today’s point of care operators with two revolutionary tests for professional OS testing (assessment of Free Radicals attack and Antioxidant Capacity) via a finger prick sample. Both tests are widely employed worldwide and at renowned healthcare sites. Full scientific documentation and prestigious published articles on the assays are available.
Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
Operators may assess the risk of cardiovascular event happening in the next 10 years in any individual according to scores obtained. The score is based on the American “Framingham Heart Study”.
Fields of Applications/Users
Various fields & applications including: Pharmacies, Specialists, Clinics, Natural Medicine, GPs, Occupational Health, Sports Institutes & Clubs, Hospitals, Universities & More.
Over 300 Different Scientific Publications Using CR3000 & FORT/FORD Assays
From scientific validation of method and principle, to application in hundreds of diseases including CHD, cancer, inflammation, fertility, diabetes, obesity and neurodegenerative diseases.
Journals include:
- European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- American Heart Journal
- International Journal of Clinical Pharm. and Therapeutics
- British Journal of Nutrition
- Journal of Health Sciences
- Oxidative Medicine and Cell Longevity
- Experimental and Therapeutic Med. Supportive Cancer Therapy
- The Oncologist
- International Journal of Sports Medicine
- Neurochemistry International
- J. of Clinical Lipodology

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